Abraham House has a long history of volunteering, beginning with the volunteer efforts of Fr. Peter, Sr. Simone and the other founders of Abraham House. While Abraham House is now staffed primarily by paid professionals, we continue to look to volunteers to support us in every program area. Some areas where volunteers play a critical role include:
- Tutoring in our after school program,
- Helping organize our donation drive,
- Manning special events,
- Managing our front desk reception,
- Monitoring our residents in the evenings,
- Facilitating support groups, and
- Providing workshops for our families.
more information, please contact Althea Brooks.
Nationally, more than half of released offenders are back in prison within three years. Bureau of Justice Statistics.
While people in every state and of every race, gender and income level make up the nation's dropouts, the crisis affects low-income youth, males, Hispanics and African-Americans disproportionately. Center for Labor Market Studies.
Strengthening the family network improves outcomes for both the prisoner and the individual family members. Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.
