Founded in 1993 by Rikers Island Catholic Prison
Chaplains in response to the high recidivism rate and lack of effective
rehabilitative services they witnessed in New York City jails; Abraham House
began as an innovative Alternative to Incarceration Program for those convicted
of nonviolent crimes.
Abraham House is a grassroots organization that
offers holistic programs and services for those involved in the criminal
justice system, and for youth and families affected by incarceration and other
social factors such as poverty, violence, truancy, and a lack of quality
education. Abraham House is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit organization located in
the Mott Haven section of the South Bronx.
The organization’s mission is to break the cycle
of incarceration by offering the incarcerated and their relatives, as well as
families and children living on the margins of our society, a place of hope
and community where lives can be rebuilt, families mended, lessons learned
and where men, women, and children receive the necessary and practical tools to
become productive citizens.
Abraham House accomplishes its mission through
three core programs: an After School Program (ASP), an Alternative to
Incarceration Program (ATI); and Family and Pastoral Center (FPC).
The Alternative to Incarceration Program (ATI) is a core component in
Abraham House’s mission to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and
crime. The ATI Program works primarily with criminal justice involved
nonviolent adults as well as with the re-entry population returning back to the
community from prison.
The Positve Youth Development Program (PYD) enhances and support youth educational and social development and achievement and help to combat the dismal statistics faced by the youth of this struggling Bronx community. At a minimum, we provide a safe space conducive to learning and achieving positive outcomes.
The Family and Pastoral Center (FPC) serves as a place of community and strength, where
families affected by incarceration, immigration issues, and other social
factors, can find hope, solace, friendship, and support. The program provides
case management, counseling, advocacy, food pantry, religious services, and
referrals to essential services – to help families deal with crises and ongoing