“It was what I saw rather than what I did at Abraham House that stuck to me: the way people are treated. For Fr. Peter, Sr. Simone and the other sisters, giving is all their happiness.” -- ATI program graduate
Father Peter Raphael
Sr. Simone Ponnet
Sr. Rita Claus
Sr. Amy Henry
Althea Brooks, Executive Director abrooks@abrahamhouse.org 718.292.9321 ext.110 Judy Juster, Clinical Coordinator/After School Program Director jjuster@abrahamhouse.org 718.292.9321 ext.219 Milagros Alegre, After School Program Site Supervisor
Aileen Figueroa, Office Manager
Lynda DeFilippi, Social Worker/Family Advocate
Alan J. Shapiro, M.D. Alexander Lakhanpal, CFA, CPA Brent Benkovic, CFA David Archer Mark McCrane Monsignor Kevin L. Sullivan Philip Dorian Rev. Eric P. Cruz Robert J. Murphy, Chair Sarmad M. Khojasteh, Esq. William J.Phelan
Nationally, more than half of released offenders are back in prison within three years. Bureau of Justice Statistics.
While people in every state and of every race, gender and income level make up the nation's dropouts, the crisis affects low-income youth, males, Hispanics and African-Americans disproportionately. Center for Labor Market Studies.
Strengthening the family network improves outcomes for both the prisoner and the individual family members. Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center. |
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